Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Changes in the Air

I got tired of the traditional, fruitless path of poetry publication, and contacted an old friend with more commercial ideas. He liked the yoga chapbook and envisioned it as a IPad app. If his partners agree, perhaps this is where the book is headed. I don't even have an IPad or IPhone; I wouldn't be able to read my own book! In fact, lots of people who might want to wouldn't be able to. I would want there to be a simultaneous run of print books, if this outfit is interested. It wouldn't have all the bells and whistles the app would have though. He was talking about interviews, yoga videos, etc. I am too old and moldy to star in them. I would have to ask my teacher Isabella, with her young and lithe yoga body, to star. But Bob and Denise could do interviews. They are such characters and have such stories to tell, they alone might make the thing.
All I want from this is to get the book out there, to have readers, to do readings, and perhaps get a job based on the notice I get from it... . And of course, opportunities for publishing the full manuscript and future work.

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