Yesterday afternoon I took some time off to go see Eastwood's new film, The Changeling. I am particularly sensitive to movies about serial murder. After I saw Psycho at age 11, I wouldn't take a shower unless everyone was home for about 10 years thereafter (a problem when I went off to school). But I have been impressed by Eastwood's previous films (at least the relatively recent ones), so I went to see it with Richard. He was not particularly eager to go, but once he did, I think he became involved in the drama.
If you haven't heard about it, the film is based on a bizarre true story from the 20s LA, when the police force was a bunch of thugs and gangsters, committing women who bucked the system to mental hospitals and bumping off everyone else who got in their way. I won't spoil it for you, but will only say that the film features the world's creepiest serial killer of children and, believe it or not, a very good performance by Angelina Jolie.
Then we went to eat Indian vegetarian food at the Dosa Place. It was excellent but very spicy. Richard needed to bury his tongue in frozen yogurt after dinner to get over the burn.
Sounds like, you had a great day. How are your parents?
They are fine. Dad is moving pretty slowly these days, and seems to be in some pain, but he is okay, generally. Mom is really out there. I took her to get shoes again, or I tried to, with the usual predictable results. It is so hard to find shoes in our size, and she managed to reject every one for one reason or another, all the while repeating the same complaint that someone (ie, me) stole her shoes from her that were in her house in Philadelphia. We looked and looked for them, but couldn't find any that were in suitable shape to take with us. She probably hid them in the same place she hid her mother's diamond rings and jewelry and her SS and medicare cards. Took me almost 2 years to replace those cards.
I finally outgrew my taste for scary movies when the world became more frightening than the film. Glad you had a date night.
Yeah, I know what you mean. I think the world has always been pretty scary to me, but sometimes I am drawn to a film because it is made really well, so I want to see it, even though I know it is going to disturb me.
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