Monday, February 11, 2008

More strange family

Some time back, my uncle, cleaning out the closets of his echoingly empty home after his wife died, sent me a slew of old family photos. No one has seen them in the lifetime of anyone living today. They were mere negatives, anonymous, stuffed in envelopes and cardboard boxes, until he got a hold of a negative scanner from Ebay and scanned them, not knowing what (or who) he would find. One of the distinctly intriguing finds was a picture of my long-gone great grandfather, Abraham Trustinetsky, and his wife. I think her name was Chava, but I'm not sure. All I know about him is third hand rumors about his terrible temper and his addition to gambling. Supposedly he lost a farm in New Jersey after coming over to escape pograms in Russia at the start of the 20th century. There were also pictures of my dad and his brothers, sister, and mom and his step father. No pictures of his dad, as far as I could see. He died shortly before my father's birth. I will post some pictures here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, I love the photos of your family! What wonderful faces. Thanks for sharing the address of your new blog. I'll be back for more.