Friday, August 28, 2009


It's horribly hot outside, and parts of the state are burning up. Of course, arsonists always see an opportunity in this kind of weather, and start already flammable tinder going. All I want to do is lie around here and sleep. I never have woken up properly today, although I have managed to go to yoga class, prepare classes for next week, and meet with a student who just added the class. The sky here still looks blessedly blue, not full of smoke, and I hope it stays that way, though I know it's fire season.
I wonder what to do with my parents tomorrow. I don't want to take them to the farmer's market in such weather, though I could forego yoga and take them very early in the morning. Then I could go to the 12:30 yoga class in Mission Viejo. There isn't a movie I think they'd want to see right now, though my dad has been watching DVDs on his new player (I bought it for him last week). So far, he has watched Defiance, Field of Dreams, and I forget what else. We went to the library last week to get some DVDs, and will go back tomorrow to return them and choose others. It's best if dad doesn't spend too much time sitting out in the sun in the garden. The air may not be smoky, but it's pretty lousy quality.

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