Saturday, January 21, 2012

Interesting Day Ahead

It is still dark out, and the rain is loud enough for me to hear it, which means it must be relatively heavy, given the state of my hearing. I was supposed to go on a hike today, but that's not happening!
However, there is plenty to do. My new computer has arrived, so after yoga class, I will begin working with my neighbor, Eric, to set it up and configure it. I have also heard from a historian who needs some help with research, and wants me to work with him. I will need to download a contract and find out what a fair fee for this job is. I am looking forward to it, and hope it works out!


Marly Youmans said...

All sounds good--if a hike is washed out, good to have something useful to replace it with...

Robbi N. said...

I don't know about the job, but the computer is working fine!