Monday, June 23, 2008

difficult phase

Jeremy is going through a difficult phase right now. He is almost 18, and having graduated from high school, naturally feels that he is the master of his own fate. However, as all of us who have been that age know, there's plenty to learn yet. Kids need their parents to advise them and help them to navigate the big decisions that are coming up.
But being who he is, Jeremy is not willing to ask for or take that kind of advice. As when he was about 5, he has decided that he doesn't need us anymore, and goes out of his way to defy any minimal rules we lay down. Right now, this involves refusing to take his medicine, and also getting as little food and sleep as possible. We have to pretend we don't care, and then he'll allow himself to eat and sleep.
I realize it is "normal" for kids this age to pull away from their parents; however, Jeremy always carries things a good bit further than others his age. This phase is no different.


Anonymous said...

Well geez, what a pain. Jeremy! Eat!

Robbi N. said...

No kidding! Last night, after workshop, instead of eating the dinner I had prepared, I caught him warming up a mixture of ketchup and mayonnaise to dip his chips in. Nutritious! I made him a sandwich, and he did eat that as well.
It doesn't help that he's at work when I make dinner, but I always leave him something in the fridge, and there's lots of frozen stuff as well in there.