Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Workshop update

Our little workshop continues to be a tight group. Though we have lost a few along the way, the remaining students are interested and engaged, for the most part. Everyone is progressing apace, and people reference earlier lessons when talking about the pieces submitted during the current week. However, I have just learned that one of the stories had a plot stolen wholly from a film I hadn't seen. I'm going to check that out and decide what to do about it, if it's true.


Rebel Girl said...

Hey, checking in after being swamped by life.

yes, the workshop tends to tighten over time.

See if the plot was an outright theft or perhaps an homage.

Robbi N. said...

Hi Reb! There are two things that trouble me: first of all, the writer claimed that this experience happened to someone he knew (a family member). Also, he behaved oddly, refusing to discuss the story or to read it to the workshop, despite the fact that they were all requesting that he do so. His behavior seemed suspicious, in short.
It's funny because the first thing I said about it was how cinematic it was, and what a good screenplay the idea would make, not that the story was in any way realized as it was.

Rebel Girl said...


Time for the original work speech.