Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Money Woes

I've heard a lot about the financial catastrophe now playing in a bank near you. It's also playing in my parents' stock portfolio, which is very modest. I was saving it for their funerals, but now it has tanked. It features old favorites like GM and Ford, neither of which are doing so well. The frustrating thing is that I was thinking of cashing them in just before the crash... must have felt something coming. But I was too late. Now I have to hold on to them, just when the bank accounts are emptying and worrying me no end.
There's little we can cut--the phone, the paper, the Newsweek, days at the Senior Center. That's all. And those things are what makes their lives enjoyable. I will kick in the Newsweek myself, but the paper and the Center are too expensive for me to pay for them.
I guess I'll figure it out, along with others. At least we all have a place to live.

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