Lately I have been thinking about something my yoga teachers sometimes say: that emotion lives in the body, and that sometimes, unaccountably, in working on yoga postures, emotion of various kinds will come to the surface and be released, causing joy or sorrow from some unknown cause. It makes sense to me, and I have recently experienced it, when I got hysterically after jumping up and down on the freeway ramp, although I didn't feel that way at all when I started.
And today, as sometimes happens when one is thinking about something, I heard a story on NPR that touches on this idea. It is about the findings of certain scientists recently published in a scientific journal. The story, which I admittedly caught only part of, told about a teacher who asked her students to hold beverages as they traveled upstairs on an elevator, where they were given a survey that asked them to make decisions about how to help a person in a hypothetical situation. Strangely, those who were holding the hot beverage (only holding it, mind you, not even drinking it!), were more generous and empathetic, warmer, in other words, than those who carried the cold beverage. Scientists who investigated this phenomenon further found it was not a fluke; warmth and coldness are more than metaphorical, but have their link in the body, where these scientists theorize that emotions first arise.
On another topic, fruitflies are driving me batty. Anyone have an idea how to get rid of them? I have put away all my fruits and vegetables and rinse out the garbage disposal every day with baking soda and hot water. They still fly around my head as if I have bathed in garbage. I haven't.
I found helpful hints here:
I googled fruit flies and saw lots of facts about them as well as instructions for eliminating them and keeping them out of the house. That must be awful!
Thanks Lou. Perhaps that is why Whistler (my cat) got diarrhea? I didn't know flies could cause that. Jeremy had it too.
After reading this, I'm glad that I'm getting a good rebounder for my birthday...
I asked my question on the wrong post. What is a rebounder?
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