Monday, May 11, 2009

Newsflash! Poem from Saturday's Wilderness Workshop

Here's the triolet I wrote after the workshop. A triolet is an 8 line form with a two line refrain that repeats a couple of times, as you see.

Astronomy Lesson
The Great Bear can barely be seen,
but has the same name everywhere.
Schooled stars align as in dreams,
yet the Great Bear can barely be seen.
Dark hills hang hungry and lean;
all we have is stories we can spare.
The Great Bear can barely be seen,
yet has the same name everywhere.


Lou said...

Bear and bare, spare and lean--such fun to read these words.

Robbi N. said...

Thank you! I just sent all the formed poems to a magazine called Mezzo Cammin, which publishes formed poems by women. It's a lovely online publication where my friend Marly publishes too.