Tuesday, October 19, 2010


This morning we had a rare event: a thunderstorm with lots of (close) lightning. Luckily, I did not have to be out in the worst of it this morning, but now I am on campus, wondering whether I dare use my umbrella as the dark sky rumbles in a threatening way.
In a temperate climate, I became used to heavy thunderstorms, usually in late summer, but here they are unusual and threatening because of their potential to start fires and floods. People say there is no weather out here, but there is. Like everything else about this place, it is extreme--either extremely calm (most of the time) or over the top. When it rains, it often floods, for example. Hillsides slide down into the highway, bringing down houses. When it doesn't rain for a long time (which is much of the year), dry Santa Ana winds from the desert create havoc by creating the conditions for enormous fires.
So I appreciated staying in this morning with my cats, cuddled up on the couch drinking tea or peering out at the rain. I wasn't at the computer because it isn't back yet.

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