Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Side Effect

Another side effect of not having a computer for a few days is that I had time to think of a poem. In fact, this one haunted me for a few days, turning into dreams. It's my birthday next Tuesday--57 years old. It's hard to believe. This is my response.
I'm still working on it. The version below is new, as of Weds. night.


Here it is, October,
and the sun slips
between two hills
like a worn coin
someone stuck upright
between the tracks
hoping to raise a spark.
The sky squats
on its haunches
sipping a cup of cloud
and egrets stalk
like wraiths
around the lake.
The Nightsky
Limited steams in
lights blazing on
a black black ground.
Here it is, October:
the strength to last
another year


Lou said...

Such a great idea to occasion one's own birthday with a poem.

Robbi N. said...

It's the first time I've done that.