Sunday, December 5, 2010

Bad Nights

Perhaps the reason I'm feeling so stressed is lack of sleep. I am waking up in the middle of the night with a sore hip and back, and am unable to sleep. Last night I forced myself to stay in bed and finally fell asleep, but I had a nightmare, in which I took my mother to the mall. I kept thinking, "You're dead," and she looked very pale indeed; however, she was in much better shape than when she died, walking and talking and being her old old self. She was telling me I looked old and tired, and I realized that I was naked too, right there in the middle of the mall. Unpleasant.


Lou said...

How awful, Robbi, I am sorry and hope these images fade quickly.

Robbi N. said...

Thanks Lou. Today I stuck it out and didn't have a nightmare. Sweet oblivion.