Friday, December 24, 2010

We've pulled out

Merry Christmas my friends. We have pulled out of the house. The bank that owns the place refuses to fix any of the problems in the house, and even if they had, it's clearly the HOA that is a large part of the problem, along with faulty design. We don't want to get involved in a community that is going downhill, where the HOA payments will balloon as people jump ship. That explains the low price of the house.
Luckily for us, we have a fabulous real estate agent, who plans to expose this business in the L.A. Times. His neighbor, who is an editor at the paper, has been begging him for dirt on foreclosures, and now he will have it, in spades, and the report we paid for will be evidence of wrongdoing. When this goes to court, we may even get damages, particularly if they won't give us back our deposit.
I guess we'll resume our hunt after the holidays. There isn't much of anything new on the market right now, of course.


Lou said...

I guess I don't understand how the homeowners association has anything to do with the condition of this house, but you're right, this sounds like too much of a fixer-upper for your needs. Good luck with new searches.

Anonymous said...

Sorry it didn't work out, Robbie. Why would this go to court?
The right place for you is out there. Hope you get some time to relax.

the other L

Robbi N. said...

The homeowners' association is responsible for the outside of the house, including the condition of the roof. All the houses to be seen had water pooling on their roofs, which means that the HOA isn't taking care of this problem. They probably all leak. We had termites too, and the HOA is responsible for checking the garage and exterior for termites. They apparently do not do it.
I hope we can find something that has fewer problems, or we may be out of this market.

Robbi N. said...

It would go to court because the company managing the sale has our $5000. deposit.

Rebel Girl said...

Sounds like this was NOT the right house for you in so many ways. It took us over a year to find the right one - and get it. Along the way, we learned alot about what we could - and couldn't do too.

takec are - good luck ---

Robbi N. said...

Thanks Reb.

my said...

Good job. Keep your head, as they say...

Robbi N. said...

I am trying to be just a little less obsessed with the whole thing!