Sunday, December 26, 2010

The House (not that one)

I finally took my basket of goodies over to the house where my parents used to live. Their special caregiver, Susie, was out of town, but the other two, who were also pretty special, were there. When I saw him, one of them, whose name I have now forgotten, shocked me by his ill appearance. He had lost a lot of weight, but clearly, not because he was in fine shape. He looked drawn, and most of all, he had lost half his teeth! This is not a young man, but too young to have lost his teeth, and he was always extremely energetic and hearty, with unstoppable energy.
I didn't mention his teeth or appearance, but he did, telling me he had been diagnosed with diabetes and over-active thyroid. He had stopped taking his thyroid medication, and this is what happened! So he started up again. And soon, I hope, he will be better, if not tip-top, since diabetes is a bad disease, which affects every organ of the body.
He couldn't eat any of the goodies I brought, though he could have a cup of tea or coffee, if he wanted to (special teas and coffees were in the basket, along with tiny individual mince pies, fancy pancake and waffle mix, and small bottles of maple syrup).
This morning I will drop by and see Susie. I won't go to lunch with her today, but I'll make a date for another day. I want to give her a gift certificate, small though it is, for Steinmart.
Speaking of which, my father-in-law, who was upset with me about us staying out here instead of moving to Floyd (R finally told them), loved loved loved the watch I sent him (a buy from Steinmart!). He hadn't bought a new watch for about 25 years, so it was timely (heh heh). He is hard to buy for, like his son, so this was a coup!
My mother-in-law liked the poem about her father (or the mountain named after him) published in Floyd County Moonshine, and the print I sent her, something we picked up on our trip up the central coast last year. So I am doing okay on the gift front!


marly said...

I still wish Richard could have the house in Floyd as well...

Glad all worked out with the visit.

Lou said...

Wonderfully thoughtful gifts--excellent job!

Robbi N. said...

Richard WILL have the house, along with his brother, but I will not live there full time. It will be like a vacation house, for as long as we can afford to keep it, if his parents so deem it.
Thanks Lou.

Marly Youmans said...

Oh, that is good. That is what I thought might be the best option...

Robbi N. said...

We'll see what his parents decide to do.