Sunday, April 25, 2010

Top of another cycle

Jeremy was here last night, and all was well. I didn't take any bait he dangled in front of me, so we didn't argue. He shared my rotisserie chicken and chatted amiably, then promised to try to come to my parents' house to have dinner today. It turned out he couldn't because he is working most of the day, but it was a good thought. We'll do it next week, if all goes as planned.
In the evening, R and I watched the film Bright Star, about John Keats and the girl next door he loved, Fanny Brawne. It was directed by Australian director, Jane Campion, and had lovely images of the English or proto-English countryside. It was good to get a feminine perspective of a love affair, from the woman's pov, particularly when the woman was not famous and the man was.


Lou said...

I see that it is always a relief to you when you can have a pleasant time with your son, so I am very happy for yesterday's time together.

Robbi N. said...

Yes, that's true. Of course, I have to skirt the elephant in the room--his depression, which he is now denying, but as long as we keep connected, there's always hope he will decide to take care of himself at some point.