Wednesday, September 1, 2010

More Seasonal Turning

It is Jewish New Year, the season of Tshuvah, turning, a better way to say "repentance." The secular New Year gets from the Jewish tradition the habit of making resolutions, vows to one's self to change or reform in various ways, go on a diet, work out regularly, be a better person. The Jewish New Year is supposed to provide this sort of function as well, giving people a chance to apologize for all the screw ups they racked up over the year, or two ask for apologizes from those who injured them.
The change of the season reminds us to make these changes in ourselves. And today, when I was driving back from Laguna, where I attended a much-needed yoga class, I reminded myself to buy New Year cards, to contact people I hadn't written or spoken to for a while, to let people know that I do think about them.


Lou said...

Such meaningful traditions, Robbi.

Robbi N. said...

It's important to recharge the moral battery every so often, isn't it?

Robbi N. said...

By the way, it's good to have you back.

Marly Youmans said...

Metanoia! Works for rhetoric and religion...

Robbi N. said...

Ah! A new word for me. A very versatile one too!